Sabtu, 20 April 2013

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Caraku Mengatasi Masalah Skripsi

Sebenarnya mengerjakan skripsi itu mudah, Asal ada kemauan dan tekad yang kuat, semua pasti akan bisa terselesaikan. Banyak sekali saya mendapati teman-teman saya, tetangga saya dan mungkin juga temen anda yang mengalami masalah dengan skripsi. Padahal untuk mengerjakan skripsi menurut saya tidak harus jadi orang pintar terlebih dahulu. Dan saya buktinya, saya yakin jika otak saya dibandingkan dengan otak kalian saya rasa saya jauh di bawah level kalian.

Namun begitu, saya tetap masih bisa menyelesaikan skripsi dengan tepat waktu. Ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk menyelesaikan skripsi itu tidak harus jadi orang pintar dulu. Beberapa diantara teman saya yang menyelesaikan skripsinya di awal adalah mereka yang biasa-biasa saja. Tidak mencolok ketika perkuliahan berlangsung. 

Untuk mengatasi sebuah masalah tentunya harus diidentifikasi dahulu permasalahannya, baru kemudian kita bisa menyelesaikannya ataupun mengatasinya. Barangkali berikut ini adalah masalah-masalah yang saya dapati ketika saya masih seorang mahasiswa dalam menghadapi skripsi:
  1. Berhenti mengerjakan skripsi di tengah jalan
  2. Bingung ingin memulai dari mana
  3. Pusing memikirkan judul skripsi
  4. Tidak tahu langkah-langkah dalam menyusun skripsi
  5. Takut menghadapi ujian pendadaran skripsi
  6. Kurang bersahabat dengan dosen
  7. Tidak mengetahui metode analisis data
  8. Sering gagal mengajukan judul skripsi
  9. Proposal penuh dengan coretan dosen
  10. Tidak tahu cara menulis skripsi dengan benar
  11. Susahnya mencari buku referensi
  12. Latar belakang masalah yang tidak jelas
  13. Sulit bertemu dengan dosen pembimbing skripsi
  14. Masalah yang ingin diteliti sudah diteliti orang lain
  15. Biaya yang tidak murah
  16. Perijinan untuk melakukan penelitian yang rumit
  17. Tidak tahu alur perijinan yang benar
  18. Ada juga yang tidak tahu apa itu skripsi
  19. dan masih banyak lagi.
Adapun caraku mengatasinya adalah sangat sederhana yaitu :
  1. Kemauan
  2. Tekad yang kuat
  3. Banyak membaca
  4. Mau untuk terus belajar
  5. Tidak mudah menyerah
  6. Rajin
  7. Buang rasa malas
  8. Jangan hanya lihat teman yang kerjanya santai-santai saja
  9. Amati, Tiru, Modifikasi (ini adalah cara paling gampang membuat skripsi)
  10. Berdoa
Semoga dengan cara mengatasi skripsi versi saya ini bisa membantu kalian yang sedang sibuk mengurus skripsi. Intinya cuma satu jangan sampai malas. Semoga sukses untuk yang sedang mengerjakan skripsi.
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Negative Thoughts For New Students

The first time you go to college and become a being a student, of course I was happy because of how the struggle to pass the entrance examination of a university. But after several weeks active in the class, most of the students in the first semester still like to relax and play more than the concentration in the lecture (That I feel myself).

Perhaps the following, "Nine Negative Thoughts New Students" which I will describe below can be a material reflection for all my friends. Do not let the worst thing happened to you in living lectures at universities. Think before you act, so think well before what you do produces regret.

Well these "Negative Thoughts Nine new students," Most of us, of course, including me think that:

  1. The beginning of college is a time for fun. Thoughts like this are suitable for you who just graduated from school and managed to get a high in the university you crave. But remember, you do not get lost in the pleasure you feel.
  2. It's still the beginning of the semester, so just relax. You should have thought, "because it is still early in the semester so you will study hard so it will be easier to get good grades."
  3. The material presented is still the same as the current school. It may be true, given early in the semester still have to adapt to the school environment before as well to recall what we've got in school. But it was not always like that, because the journey is still very long lecture. If you do not hurry you will miss a lot with your friends.
  4. Feel smart. If you feel you are the smartest on campus misplaced. May be you can fool the girls in the house or in the old hometown. But not for on campus. In college a lot of people who are far more intelligent and genius than you. So be careful before you attacked, shunned friends and being labeled a smartass and cocky.
  5. Lecture is free. College is not as tight as when still in school, which requires to come at seven in the morning, have to wear school uniforms and so forth. It is true that college is free when viewed from the perspective of those who are in school today. And that does not mean it's free of course everything. In college still has rules that must be adhered to by students. So do not ever think college was free from all regulations, free to oppose what you are about.
  6. The hell with campus regulations. Occasionally demo with campus policy is fine if it is deemed reasonable and deviate from what people strive for. But you must remain in compliance with regulations established campus, which is a positive. For the success of the students themselves and improve the quality of education.
  7. Coolest feeling. But, more significantly felt pretty handsome ata. You may feel cool when you see the reflection of yourself in the mirror, but not on campus. Campus is not a place for anyone who's an opportunity to showcase the most handsome beautiful atapun. The campus was where the men of knowledge and exchange of knowledge.
  8. Lecture to look for friends and couples. It's one of the next poison, despite the fact that this is so. Many of them were eventually married couple in college. But that's not the real purpose of your college. Think of it as a side partner and motivation to continue to learn to be the best.
  9. My friend take it easy, so I was also relaxed. (I mean, we really do not fully know what your friends do, they look relaxed when I see you, laugh, joke, silly, and so forth. You immediately conclude that they do not do something better than what you do. Fact they actually work harder than what you think it is.'s just that they are good at set time, when he must learn and when he got to be kidding.)
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